Friday, July 20, 2007

Annika's Firsts

This month has been a month of first for little Annika!! She took her first plane ride on July 4th. Everything went really well! She slept most of the flight, and for the most part was happy the whole time! There was a point when she was trying to fall asleep that she wasn't very happy, but once she fell asleep she slept for 4-5 hours! Hopefully the flight back on Sunday will go as well!! We leave very early in the morning, so it will throw off her schedule quite about, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
Annika has also begun sitting by heself!! She was a little wobbly before we left, but she got a lot of practice her and is sitting like a champ!! Just look at how proud she is of herself!!

Annika also had her first real meal while we were here in Norway! She hasn't been sleeping well through the night (it doesn't help with the time difference), so I thought maybe some cereal was in order! She really does like it - hard to telll from the picture though! She eats probably a tablespoon (mixed with water) at a sitting. She also likes to drink water from her sippy cup!!

She is growing up so fast, I can't believe she is already 6 months old!!

Here's Annika enjoying a bath in Farmors bathtub!!
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